Tob Data Egirl waving
Blert Dot Eye Oh

Welcome to blert!

What is blert?

Blert is a RuneLite plugin, data analysis pipeline, and web tool that we have been developing for several months now. It originally started as a plugin to track and visualize Theatre of Blood raid data but its scope has since expanded to encompass any-and-all endgame PvM content (of nontrivial difficulty) that exists in OSRS.


We believe that the OSRS PvM community is in need of a tool that can help players improve their performance and learn from their mistakes (or call out their friends' mistakes...). Our long-term goal is to be the equivalent but for PvM data analysis.
Our tool aims to fill the gap that exists in the OSRS high-level-community that is covered in other major MMOs - tools like &

Who made this thing?

Contrary to popular opinion, the developers of Blert are Sacolyn (aka TobDataEgirl) and 715 (aka TobDataBoy) -- NOT Caps Lock13 😊... but we might have added some easter eggs pertaining to Caps since hes been a part of this journey.

What content is supported so far?

Our efforts so far have been focused on ToB. Our plugin infrastructure and data processing is set up to be generic enough to support any PvM content in the game.

What content are you going to work on next?

When the Fortis Colosseum comes out on March 20th we will likely shift to that as our primary focus. If we get additional contributors we will be able to support more content more quickly, consider lending a hand!

Is it released yet?

We will be submitting Blert for review by the RuneLite team in the coming weeks. We are currently in the process of finalizing v1 of the plugin :)

Do you need help?

Yes! Right now we are looking for three things primarily;
  1. Code contributors! If you know Java, HTML/CSS/React or Next
  2. UX Feedback
  3. Feature requests
If you'd like to help out or if you have any questions about our website or plugin, please reach us on our Discord Server!