Trio Nylocas Waves

Written by Nick Ints, Aramaxis, and Lo Sugar
Theatre of Blood
Max Eff
On this page


This guide is targeted at players learning max-eff trio moneys or speedruns, and assumes a base understanding of the Nylocas room mechanics.

Team goals

In trio waves, you are aiming for 2:55.2 or 2:57.6 boss spawn. The goal is to:

  1. Avoid stalling at all until at least wave 28.
  2. Allow all the existing Nylos in the room to auto-pop once wave 28/29 spawns.
  3. Kill all new Nylos after the wave 28 spawn (not including wave 28, but the Nylos that spawn afterwards—both splits and waves 29/30/31).

With no mistakes, you should be able to avoid stalling until at least wave 28 almost 100% of the time.


Refer to the Plugins guide for information about setting up useful ToB plugins.

Setting a Make Darker Hotkey in the Nyloer plugin allows you to dim every Nylo currently in the room, helping to distinguish relevant smalls to attack from those which will automatically expire by certain time thresholds.

Dimming on the wave 22 spawn (1:45.6 room time) is recommended, as wave 22 and older Nylos will explode naturally before the stall check on 28, whereas killing Nylos spawning after 22 will help reduce stalls on the last few waves. You should also dim when wave 28 spawns (2:14.4 room time without previous stalls) to help make clear which Nylos you need to kill during cleanup and which can be left to blow up naturally.

Mage Waves


Waves 1-3

Sang the w1 south small, the w2 west small, and the w3 east small.

Wave 4

Sang the south big until it is dead, hugging the south barrier.

Wave 5

Sang the east small until it is dead, then clean up any mages in the room. If the w5 west big split into two mages, prioritize the northern one.

Waves 6-7

Sang the w6 west small, then the w7 south small. Blowpipe the south rangers if they are still alive, prioritizing the big.

Waves 8-9

Sang the wave 8 west big until it is dead.

  • If it takes 1 Sang, switch to ranged gear and bow the 9 west big.
  • If it takes 2 Sangs, Blowpipe the 9 west big twice.
  • If it takes 3 or more Sangs, ignore the ranged big.

Sang the 9 east small. If you managed to one-shot the 8 big, Sang another small in the room.

Waves 10-12

Bow the 10 east big once, then Blowpipe the 10 east small once.

Barrage the 11 east doubles, then the 11 south doubles. If you one-hit both sets of doubles, Sang a small mage from the 10 east big or 11 west big.

If there are only 2 smalls in the room, Claw spec the 12 south melee big. Equip a Lightbearer to regenerate 100% spec for the boss. Otherwise, hit remaining smalls.

Waves 13-15

Sang the 13 west small, the 14 west small, and the 14 south small. Sang the 15 east mage small and Blowpipe the 15 west ranged small if your ranger hasn't killed it.

Waves 16-19

Sang the 16 east small, the 17 east big, then kill splits in the room.

When wave 19 spawns, Sang the 19 east mage big on the first tick standing one tile away from the east barrier to increase the projectile's travel time, causing its splits to spawn after the wave 20 check. Follow up by Sanging the 17 south big on the southeast pillar, then the 19 south big in lane.


Wave 20

Sang the 20 south mage big on the first tick.

  • If you one-shot it, do 3 more Sangs before wave 21, prioritizing any remaining bigs.
  • If it doesn't die, Blowpipe it when it flickers, then Scythe to finish it off.

Waves 21-23

Barrage the 21 west doubles. Then, either Sang a small in the room or barrage once if you see a value clump.

Sang the 22 east big.

  • If it dies in one Sang, Sang 2 smalls in the room.
  • If it does not die, Scythe it on the first tick it enters the room.

Sang the 23 east big. If your ranger didn't kill the 23 south big, Sang it when it flickers. Otherwise, hit a small.

Waves 24-27

During these waves, your job is to quickly kill all of the mage bigs which spawn to get their splits out early.

  • Sang the 24 south big until it dies.
  • Sang the 25 east big until it dies. (If you attack on the first tick it spawns, it will flicker melee at the time of the second Sang.)
  • Sang the 26 west big until it dies.
  • Sang the 27 west big until it dies.
  • Barrage the 26 east big alongside any splits on the northeast pillar.
  • Sang the 27 east big until it dies.

Waves 28-29

Finish off any remaining mage bigs, while looking out for high value barrages. Continue Sanging smalls with the highest wave number.

Waves 30-31

Kill the 30 east big as quickly as possible, followed by the 31 east small.


During cleanup, you should primarily focus the north side of the room, prioritizing high value barrages and Nylos with the highest wave number. When Sanging or barraging, try to run up as close as possible to your targets to minimize projectile travel time.

Ranger Waves


Waves 1-3

Bow the w1 west small, the w2 east small, and the w3 south small.

Waves 4-7

Blowpipe the wave 4 west small and bow the wave 5 big behind it (which your melee will double up on). Claw scratch the wave 5 south melee small. The splits will spawn from the wave 4 mage big the same tick you claw scratch this (if the mage one-shots it), so be careful not to null. Kill any ranged splits from the wave 4 mage big and the wave 5 ranged big. You can Blowpipe 2 splits and tick perfectly chin into bow the wave 6 ranged small and wave 7 big.

Waves 8-10

Path east and be ready to kill the wave 8 ranged small and splits from the wave 6 melee big and wave 7 ranged big. You can claw scratch the east wave 7 melee small if your meleer didn't one shot the wave 6 big.

Continue killing splits and be ready to Blowpipe the wave 9 ranged big if your mage didn't kill it. Chin the wave 10 west and south doubles, and Blowpipe anything your mage didn't kill from the east.

Waves 11-12

Continue killing splits and be ready to Scythe the wave 12 west melee doubles. If your melee one-shot the wave 11 mage big, its splits will spawn in front of your wave 12 melee doubles, so you can Blowpipe 1 or 2 of these before you Scythe.

Wave 13

Pipe the west wave 13 ranged small and make your way south. Kill the south wave 13 ranged small, along with any ranged splits in the room.

Waves 14-15

Pay attention to how far ahead your mage is. If they are behind, Sang the wave 14 south small then pipe the ranged small next to it and move east. Pipe the 15 east ranged small then kill the 14 ranged big aggro immediately after it enters the room and make your way west to kill the wave 15 ranged small.

Waves 16-17

If you didn't noodle on previous waves, you can chin the incoming wave 16 ranged small before it flashes then Sang the wave 17 west mage big before it flashes as well.

Waves 18-20

Kill splits from the 17 big(s) while waiting for the 18 big rangers to come into the room. Blowpipe the west 18 big aggro on tick 14 so splits spawn after the cap increase. Kill the other 2 after the west one is dead. If you kill these early enough, hit splits until the wave 20 west big flashes green then bow it.


Waves 21-22

After you bow the 20 west big, you can do 6-8 ticks worth of attacks and then chin the east wave 21 ranged doubles. 6 ticks of attacks will let you chin them tick perfect; you don't want to do more than 8 or you will chin after the wave 22 check. After you chin, kill splits in the room until the wave 22 west big flashes green and bow it.

Waves 23-25

After bowing the 22 west big, make your way to the south lane. You can do 1 Blowpipe then bow the south wave 23 ranged big tick perfect. After you bow it, run west and kill the right (N) then left (S) smalls as they flash ranged. Bow the 24 west big after the second Blowpipe.

Head south. You can do 1 Blowpipe before bowing the wave 25 south big. If you one-shot the wave 23 south range big earlier, its splits will spawn in the lane and you should Blowpipe one of these if either are range.

Waves 26-27

After you bow the wave 25 south big, start cleaning up any range splits you see. Don't get baited into killing splits that will soon expire (any splits from wave 20 or 21 will expire before 28 check), and try to stay on tick with the room (Blowpipe or Sang will keep you on tick with the room assuming you don't lose any ticks; if you chin, you will have to either throw a second chin or lose a tick). Kill the wave 27 south big once it turns green.

Waves 28-29

Start looking for splits that spawned after wave 28 while making your way west, and Blowpipe these instead of the wave 28 south flashers (which will expire in cleanup). Blowpipe the wave 29 west flashers. Your team will likely stall after this. Stay on the west side of the room and hit splits/smalls that spawned after wave 28 while staying on tick (you are on tick with the room after Blowpiping the 29 flashers).

Waves 30-31

When wave 30 spawns, Blowpipe the west ranged big from 2 tiles off the lane, then run 2 tiles back and chin the wave 30 south doubles when they flash green (you must be on tick with the room for this; make sure you target the eastern Nylo of the doubles). Blowpipe the wave 31 west flashers, then chin the 31 south doubles.


Kill any wave 31 smalls first as these will change color if you don't kill them quickly enough. Don't get baited into chinning a clump with 28s in it as 28s will expire. After killing any 29+ rangers, look to kill other colors, prioritizing the north side.

Melee Waves


Waves 1-5

Sang the wave 1 south mage, swift the east small, sang the south wave 4 big and then bow the west wave 5 ranged big. Kill the melee aggro from wave 2, and then the splits from the big mage south. Hit splits from west ranged big until wave 6 enters the lane.

Waves 6-9

Claw the wave 6 east big as soon as it enters the room, then swift the small behind it. If you intend to Dinh's spec later, scythe the big instead. After killing the small, the splits from the w6 big you just killed and the ranged south big will spawn: first, kill any melee splits from the east big melee before pathing south to hit the ranged big's splits and the wave 8 melee small. Then, go west for the wave 9 melee.

Wave 10

Clean up splits from the wave 8 and 9 bigs while your ranger and mage deal with wave 10.

Wave 11

Sang or DFS the west big mage aggro, then path east to hit splits from the wave 10 east big.

Wave 12

Scythe the east melee doubles. If they survive, finish them with your Swift, then head south for wave 13.

Wave 13

Swift the south melee, filling ticks on the splits from the w10 or w11 bigs (or Blowpipe the south w13 in the lane). Leave the w13 big melee aggro until tick 22, then kill it (clicking on tick 21). You can base when to kill it off of where wave 15 is in the lane.

Waves 14-15

Kill the w14 west small, pop your delayed wave 13 big, then kill the w15 west small.

Waves 16-17

If the room looks clean, and especially if your mage killed the wave 12 big, Sang or DFS the w17 west big mage in the lane. Otherwise, help with splits and any w16s.

Wave 18

Kill splits from any popped w17 bigs while waiting for wave 19 to spawn, and clean up other splits in room if necessary.

Wave 19

For the wave 20 check, 1 w15, 3 w18s and 3 w19s will always be alive (7/12). This means that the number of smalls you can have in the room depends on how many of the wave 17 bigs were killed:

  • All 3 w17s died: up to 4 smalls
  • 2 w17s died: up to 3 smalls
  • 1 w17 died: up to 2 smalls

Prioritize killing smalls until you get below this threshold. If you recognize that you are not going to stall, sang the west 19 in the lane and start helping with other 18s/19s.


Waves 20-22

Kill the east big (Scythe or Blowpipe Swift). If the mage and ranger have not managed to kill the south and west bigs, finish them off. Splits need to spawn by 1:45.6 to expire before the stall check on wave 28. After these bigs hit stuff in the room until it's time to Scythe the 21 and 22 south doubles.

Wave 23

Focus the splits from the new bigs your mage and ranger should have just killed, ignoring any Nylos from wave 22 or before. Finish the east 23 big if the mage noodled.

Waves 24-26

Scythe the w24 east big aggro as soon as it enters the room then Swift something. Scythe the w25 west big aggro then Swift something. Scythe the w26 south big.

Waves 27-28

By the time you kill the 26 big, 28 should have spawned. A lot of bigs will just have died and be spawning splits. Kill as many of the splits that spawned after wave 28 as you can until it's time to hit wave 29.

Wave 29

Kill the south big melee on the first tick possible, then go east to kill the small melee from the same wave before it turns.

Wave 30

If the ranger didn't kill both of the south 30s, make sure they are dead before they turn.


At this point, kill all relevant melees starting from the south. Fill ticks on rangers or mages at your discretion if you need to. Ranger and or mage should help with north melees if they finish before you; if you finish the melees first, help them as needed.